Get help at court

Get help at court

Read this and you will discover how you can get help at court. This is a story about how our team supported somebody in crisis at Plymouth Magistrates’ Court.

Find out here how it works if you need help at court. Read this message from a client, straight from his heart and into our inbox:

I was convicted yesterday of failing to provide a specimen at the roadside and police station. This will be my first and last visit to the court. I plan to behave and take active steps to ensure I never step back a foot in any court.

Court is not for me

The Coordinator at CASS+ has empowered me to make the most of life.

I am journaling. It’s something new for me and it’s something that works. I manage to get my brain to ease the fog of intrusion.

I heard of CASS+ from a helpline who advised I pop in on my visit to court. Well, I was far too nervous for that and I’ve got to say in 32 years of a somewhat adventurous life, found today to be the worst day of my life. I have now closed the book on my former life and started a new book with a story now that can be whatever I want of the making. I’m going to strive for a best seller.

Help at hand in Plymouth Magistrates’ Court

This sensational woman came out of the office and just started a conversation with my mother and I. To be honest I was far too anxious to take in much of what was said but I can recall the warmth of another being not judging me for my grave error of judgement. I am bullying myself enough.

Being in a cell is traumatic

Having your mother know you have been arrested and knowing she’s going through chest pains, sleepless nights, breaking down at work and giving me money she saved long and hard for to spruce up my grandfathers’ grave words cannot compete. My partner has been putting on a brave face but truth be told I’ve been so short and snappy as I’ve been out of my mind with worry. They deserve better and your team has led me to a path where I can be the best version of me and be the lovable rogue, I know they adore without being a b*****d.

Active listening

The CASS+ worker sat with us. Gave us her time. Reassured us. Held my mum’s hand literally whilst I was in the box. Arranged for me to meet AA (I am in touch with so many people already and heading to my first meeting later). I could go on and on and on about this lady.

Getting support makes the difference

She is a phenomenal, sensational inspirational beautiful lady who has saved me from myself and my emotional spiralling. For the first time since being arrested I didn’t feel alone. It is possible to feel alone whilst in company. It is also possible to feel pain in remorse.

I had wrap-around support arranged within a couple of hours of meeting this angel sent from the heavens.

I’m not a religious man. I do believe in fate. I’m going to have to do something mind blowing to repay the universe to have the greatest pleasure of ever coming to meet this member of your team.

CASS+ help is free

I have absolutely nothing to give you I’m afraid. I would if I could. The court has fined me but I do have significant debt already. I will sort that. That was just one of the hundreds of calls to many advisors and helplines in the last few weeks. Please just know if I can ever do anything to help the work of CASS+, I will be forever in your debt and grateful.

We will always hold a space in our hearts for CASS+

I cannot convey my thanks enough or even verbalise. With the most heartfelt utmost appreciation.


Find out here how we can support you through the Justice System.

Please get in touch with your local hub if you need support like this at court.