Carole Edwards, CEO, CASS+

Carole will continue as Bid Writer

This week, our pioneering CEO handed the reigns of CASS+ to former Assistant Chief Constable, Steve Parker. We’re pleased that Carole Edwards will continue as our trusted Bid Writer.


Carole’s track record

Carole’s track record as a leader and Bid Writer is indisputable. Over the last 20 years, she has grown and led the CASS+ team to success. Starting as a volunteer, she quickly took a paid role to lead the new court initiatives in Bodmin in 2005 and then Plymouth in 2006. It’s never easy to start with a blank canvas, but Carole is a fast learner with a natural ability to connect with others and solve problems. Learning on the job, she worked with everyone to expand CASS+ to our current five hubs in Bodmin, Plymouth, Truro, Newton Abbot and Exeter by 2023.


Successful advocate and bid writer

Carole is a highly persuasive advocate. Since the charity was established in 2015, she has raised over £2 million to make a difference for communities across Devon and Cornwall. People at court face many difficulties in life. Her success as a Bid Writer has enabled the charity to reach more and more people facing disadvantage. This is a significant contribution for the South West.


Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

In 2017, CASS+ was proud to receive the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. As a result, our team found the impetus to drive this charity towards what you see today.


Carole will continue

Carole will continue as Bid Writer, but we asked her to reflect on the last 20 years:

‘I’m very proud to have led such meaningful work for almost 20 years. So many people have helped us get to where we are today.

This success is all down to the dedication of this team of trustees and employees, supported by an incredible army of volunteers.

I will continue as Bid Writer. I’m looking forward to growing our income and working with Steve Parker.

Huge thanks to all the people who have helped us get to where we are today. I want to acknowledge the dedication of two of our current employees. Debbie Mullis started on the same day as me back in 2005 and Chris Nicholls joined as we moved into charitable status in 2015. They are both incredibly resilient and talented. I’m honoured to have such conscientious, dedicated women by my side.  Also, to my husband, Peter, who was part of the CASS+ steering group as the Plymouth Magistrates’ Court manager. He has definitely walked this journey alongside me and has been a real supporter of our work.

I also want to say a big thank you to all our volunteers and employees, along with everyone who has volunteered as a trustee, for supporting me every step of the way.

Last, but by no means least, none of this would have been possible without the support of our many partners inside the Justice System and within the third sector across the South West. There are too many to mention, but you know who you are. We are immensely grateful.

It’s been a real pleasure to work alongside such committed people. CASS+ is in the safe hands of Steve and the team. I will continue as Bid Writer and I’m looking forward to celebrating our 20th anniversary together next year.’


Steve Parker, new CEO, is excited for what the future holds

Steve Parker is proud to be leading CASS+ into the next exciting chapter:

I’ve been made to feel so welcome at CASS+. Any change in leadership and fundraising incurs huge risk for any charity.  Carole will be a difficult act to follow. Thankfully, Carole will remain as Bid Writer so that CASS+ can continue to make our communities safer and stronger.

I know how hard this team works to find creative ways to reduce the risk of re-offending. I’m excited for what the future holds.


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